Building Power & Solidarity – Activist Skills Training (April 29, 2017)

Join the Seattle chapter of Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) for a training to build our organizing skills, political analysis, community, and the chapter. This is an exciting opportunity to re-engage or get involved for the first time!

RSVP Today! –

April 29, 2017

Location to be announced


16426035_1237361486311020_5497322296822003620_nBASICS: There will be a potluck to keep us well nourished, community building to keep us smiling, and inspiring discussion to keep us fighting for a new world.


EDUCATION & ACTION: Participants will have an opportunity to deepen political analysis and community organizing skills, including…

— MOVEMENT HISTORY – We will learn about the history of the movement in El Salvador as well as the history of CISPES’ approach to solidarity.

— STRATEGY – We will analyze social movement strategy and the role of community organizing in creating long-haul social change. This includes topics such as direct action, coalition-building, leadership development, and beyond.

— SKILLS – Participants will have an opportunity to learn and practice their community organizing skills, such as making asks and giving an elevator speech.

— SOLIDARITY & OPPRESSION – Participants will discuss how building multi-issue movements and fighting oppression (eg: racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia) is intimately connected to powerful solidarity work.


COMMITMENTS: We are asking participants to make some commitments, including attending the full workshop, participating in an upcoming CISPES event (follow us on Facebook to stay updated on events!), deepening your involvement during 2017, and a commitment to having fun!

Please remember to register to save your spot.

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